Chambres d’hôtes Côté Fontaine ***
43 Rue de la Fontaine
5022 COGNELEE (Namur)
Phone +32 81 20 04 75 / Handy +32 478 63 93 88
Rooms are available from 5 PM to 10 PM
We can change the schedule on request, if possible.

To request information or to book
Contact us whith :
The date of arrival
The number of people
The number of night(s)
The number of room(s) if you want several rooms
A mobile phone number preferably
With an e-mail, we answer most often during the day and always within 24 hours maximum.
If you don’t receive a response, there may be a technical problem.
In this case, thank you for calling us, we will answer with pleasure.
You can send us an email, we do not share or sell the data.