Tourist information,
We can provide you with many folders and information.
To help you better discover our beautiful region and you are pleasant! You can find the information and services corner on: Namur and surroundings, Wallonia, Brussels and Flanders.
The most beautiful villages of Wallonia. The valley of the Sambre and the Meuse. The Belgian and French Ardennes. Bastogne, Dinant, Liège, Brussels, Waterloo, Bruges, Redu, the Euro Space Center, the caves and animal park of Han-Sur-Lesse, Rochefort, Durbuy, attractions, museums. Maredsous Abbey. The Gardens of Annevoie. The castles of: Veves, Freîr sur Meuse, Lavaux-Sainte-Anne, Modave, etc.
And still many other very beautiful corners of Belgium to see and not to miss, etc.